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About Wihlborgs

Malmö, Helsingborg, Lund, Copenhagen. It is in the Öresund region that we belong. This is where we can develop our business and live up to our ambitions.

Tre Wihlborgskollegor går bredvid varandra på kontoret, skrattar och pratar.
All Wihlborgs förvaltning sköts med egen personal, vilket är en medveten och strategisk satsning för att skapa goda kundrelationer.
Allt hänger ihop tack vare våra medarbetare som med lust och energi fortsätter utveckla vår position som dynamisk kraft i Öresundsregionen.

Property portfolios, transactions, ongoing projects, the development of city districts, sustainability efforts, skills development, customer satisfaction — each day, thousands of details need to come together to form a whole that strengthens our market position. Every piece comes together thanks to our employees, who energetically and enthusiastically continue to develop our position as a dynamic force in the Öresund region. Our financial strength has put us on a strong footing and given us the freedom we need to continue driving efforts to develop the community we belong to.

The Öresund region is where we call home

The Oresund bridge.

The leading property company in the region

Wihlborgs offers commercial premises to companies and organisations in the Öresund region, where we are market leading in the three Swedish cities. Our customers include public and private sector organisations. The property portfolio comprises office and retail premises, logistics and production premises as well as land for future projects.

Our belief in the Öresund region is unshakable and represents an important part of our strategy — to be the leading commercial property company in the region. Our commitment to the region and our shared community help us to think long term, and that we are part of creating the prerequisites for the business community in the region to develop positively.

The bridge to Oceankajen i Helsingborg, with the beautiful office building Prisma in the background.

Vibrant urban environments for everyone

Over the years, we have amassed extensive knowledge about business conditions in the region, which has given us the courage and imagination to take initiatives that benefit the region’s development. We want to create vibrant urban environments that work for everyone who lives and works there.

Every day, we see examples of how the future cannot simply be a continuation of the here and now — that we cannot merely continue doing what we have always done. New initiatives, new positive examples and a desire to find solutions for a more sustainable society are all required. If we can produce solutions that are better adapted to the environment, either alone or together with our suppliers, then we will. And our environmental initiatives are a natural, integral part of all our business activities.

Quick facts

  • Property value

    59.2 billion

  • Rental value

    4.6 billion

  • Lettable area

    2.3 sqm

  • Properties


  • CEO

    Ulrika Hallengren

  • Chairman of the Board

    Anders Jarl

  • Largest shareholder

    Erik Paulsson with family, privately and via company 11.1 percent.

  • The share

    Quoted in the NASDAQ Stockholm, Large Cap.

  • Employees

    228 full-time employees

Our business concept

Specialising in efficient submarkets in the Öresund region, Wihlborgs will own, manage in-house and develop commercial properties, thereby enabling tenants to grow and develop.

Our perspective on sustainability 

Wihlborgs acts to promote the company’s and region’s longterm sustainable development. Our focus is on responsible business, commitment to the region and its community, being an attractive employer and sustainable properties.

Our corporate culture 

The commitment and trust of our employees is of utmost importance to us. We work closely with our customers and our values are knowledge, honesty, action and community. 

Medarbetare Wihlborgs
Medarbetare Wihlborgs

Our business model – a responsive structure close to the customer

At Wihlborgs, we have a simple and flat organization with short decision paths. Our business model for long-term sustainable growth consists of two key parts.

Our goals

Our business concept

Wihlborgs specialises in efficient sub-markets in the Öresund region, where we own, manage in-house and develop commercial properties, thereby enabling tenants to grow and develop.

Business goals

Our business model consists of two parts: property management and project development. The result from these two parts, together with changes in the value of real estate, is what lays the foundation for our financial stability. We have formulated three overarching goals linked to our core business: management results, surplus rate and project investments.


We have selected five overarching goals that cover the central parts of our sustainability work. These sustainability goals refer to customers' willingness to recommend us, employee engagement, community-oriented sponsorship, environmental certifications and climate impact.

Climate goals

Wihlborgs has for many years worked actively to reduce climate impact. In 2020, we joined the Science Based Targets initiative, and from June 2021 we are working towards halving the climate-affecting emissions that occur in the entire value chain by 2030. And that the entire operation must be climate neutral by the year 2045.


Our governance 

  • Integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria across the entire business, with a focus on initiatives that make a real difference. 
  • Nurture and develop our own organisation.
  • Focus on impressive costefficiency throughout operations. 

Our offer

  • Actively cultivate the rental market to acquire new customers and make ourselves open to new business models. 
  • Reinforce our brand so as to become the preferred choice of new customers and foster pride and preference among existing customers and employees.
  • Continue to strengthen customer relationships via a high level of service and commitment to developing customers’ businesses. 

Our market 

  • Take active steps to strengthen the Öresund region as a financial growth area. 
  • Strengthen our market position by concentrating on particularly attractive sub-markets that are ripe for development, where we can contribute to sustainable urban development. 
  • Continuously improve our property portfolio by adopting a long-term perspective on value growth. 

Wihlborgs Group Management

Our Group Management consists of seven people from different parts of the organization.

The Group Management team

Sustainable business

We adopt a long-term perspective as we invest and develop our operations.
