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Sustainable business

Wihlborgs is both a region-builder and a relationship-builder. We adopt a long-term perspective as we invest and develop our operations, which gives us the opportunity to make sustainable investments and take the economy, people and the environment into account in all of our decisions. This also means we have a stable foundation from which to manage shifts in the market.

ESG-områdets alla tre delar är integrerade i Wihlborgs affär.
Att arbeta tillsammans med andra har alltid varit en del av Wihlborgs arbetssätt.
Det är i samverkan med andra vi på Wihlborgs kan fortsätta utveckla Öresundsregionen.

Focus on long-term sustainable growth

Wihlborgs is both a region-builder and a relationship-builder.  We are deeply rooted in the Öresund region and this is where our future lies. This means that we care about what happens in our surroundings, with our community and with the people who live and work here. Today and tomorrow. When we invest and develop our business, we do so with a long-term perspective. It gives us the opportunity to invest sustainably and take into account the economy, people and the environment in all our decisions. This also means we have a stable foundation from which to manage shifts in the market. Sustainable business is part of our DNA, and what guides our direction.

Environmental and social sustainability

Our strategy entails a focus on long-term, sustainable growth. All three parts of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda are to be integrated into our business and operations. However, sustainable development is not created by one company or one organisation alone; collaboration with others and proximity to our customers – who represent a major part of the business community of this region – have always been part of our approach. When we collaborate with others – companies, cities, universities, the public sector and non-profit sector – we are able to continue developing the Öresund region.

Sustainability Framework

Wihlborgs’ sustainability framework comprises four main areas:

The purpose of defining these four areas is to provide a clear focus and ensure our efforts have a greater impact. We have prioritised a number of topics within each area that we measure and follow up systematically.

Sustainability targets

Five goals have been established within the area of sustainability as part of the Group’s overall goals. We also have additional goals within each area of our sustainability framework.

We have also established a longer term, scientific goal to reduce our CO2 emissions, which has been approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). As a member of the UN Global Compact, we naturally work to advance the 17 SDGs contained in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

More on our sustainability targets and sustainabillity reporting

Our climate goals

We at Wihlborgs has for many years worked actively to reduce climate impact. In 2020 we joined the Science Based Targets initiative, and from June 2021 we are working towards the following climate targets:

  • Goal 2030: Halve the climate-affecting emissions that occur throughout the value chain.
  • Goal 2045 – the entire operation must be climate neutral.

More on our climate goals

Sustainability report

Wihlborgs publishes an annual sustainability report where we present important activities, goals and achieved results during the year with bearing on our sustainability agenda. The Sustainability Report is included in the Annual Report and prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, GRI Standards, EPRA Sustainability Best Practice Recommendations (sBPR), and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures’ (TCFD) recommendations. In addition, in each quarterly report, we report a follow-up of prioritized sustainability issues and sustainability goals.

All Annual and Sustainability reports are available at Investor Relations – reports

Wihlborgs has been a member of the UN Global Compact for several years and submits an annual Communication on Progress that can be downloaded from the Global Compact's website. We also report detailed information about our properties and sustainability work to other initiatives such as GRESB and CDP.

Global Compact website
GRESB website
CDP website

How we work with sustainable business

Two men looking at a device in an office environment.

Customers and suppliers

The most important stakeholders are, of course, our customers. Changed local needs must never stand in the way of business development. Developing our customer relations is a constant work in progress.

Our suppliers are also an important part of our value chain and therefore we place high demands on them as well in terms of health, safety, environment and ethical behavior.

Three of our co-workers, sitting in a staircase.

Our employees

Our employees are key people in our customer relations. Therefore, it is important that we have proud and committed employees who are prepared to take responsibility and go the extra mile for a customer or colleague. We work actively to be an attractive employer.

For people sitting in a lounge area.


That customers and employees are prepared to recommend Wihlborgs is a strength when it comes to attracting new employees and new customers. That is why we regularly measure the willingness to recommend through our customer surveys and employee surveys.

Four people in a panel discussion.

A sustainable development of the Öresund region

That the Öresund region has a positive development is crucial for people and companies that operate here and also for Wihlborg's continued growth. For us, being a regional builder means contributing to the sustainable development of the region and inspiring others to do the same. We do this by developing sustainable workplaces, neighborhoods and cities, but also by providing opportunities for our customers to meet and create new business opportunities.

Part of an audience at an event.

Commitment to the region and society

In our commitment to the region and society, we support initiatives with a focus on work, inclusion and education to give young people opportunities and motivation to train, so that companies have access to a well-educated workforce. We are also involved in the development of new infrastructure, such as a fixed connection between Helsingborg and Helsingör and an Öresund metro between Malmö and Copenhagen. We do this because infrastructure is a central issue for the continued development of the Öresund region

Som stor fastighetsägare har vi på Wihlborgs ett stort ansvar att minska klimatavtrycket.

With consideration for the environment and the climate

Through our size and role as a leading property company, we have the opportunity to influence both suppliers and tenants in a green direction. Together we can make a difference to the climate! In everything we do, of course, we have a responsibility to do it with consideration for the environment through a focus on sustainable properties. Today, the construction and property industry accounts for just over a fifth of Sweden's total climate impact. This means that we have a great responsibility to do everything we can to reduce our climate footprint and also inspire others to make important changes.

Our sustainability goals

We have five overarching goals that cover the central parts of our sustainability work.

Sustainable business

Press room

Here you will find our latest news, press releases as well as images and log type in the image bank.

To the press room

Wihlborgs is awarded rating A in this year's ESG100 report

Position Green presents this year's ESG100 report with a ranking of the ESG work of the 100 largest ...

To the report

Sector leader in global sustainability ranking

The results from the ESG assessment from GRESB.

See the ranking here

A- classification by CDP

Wihlborgs goes from the grade B to A- in CDP's annual list.

Find out more on the CDP website

Contact us

Picture of Elsa Hagdahl

Elsa Hagdahl

Sustainability Manager
+46 40-661 97 07
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Picture of Lisa Östling

Lisa Östling

+46 40-690 57 51
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Picture of Hannes Hjerpe

Hannes Hjerpe

Sustainability Specialist
+46 40-661 97 37
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Picture of Emilia Stridsberg

Emilia Stridsberg

Sustainability Specialist
+46 40-690 57 76
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