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Wihlborgs’ interim report Q1, 2010

  • The result for the period increased by SEK 39 million to SEK
    120 million (81). This means a result per share of SEK 3.18 (2.24)
  • Newly-signed lease agreements amounted to SEK 46 million (29)
  • Lease income increased by 2 per cent to SEK 318 million (311)
  • The operating surplus increased to SEK 217 million (216)
  • Earnings from property management increased by 32 per cent to SEK 144 million (109)
  • Equity/assets ratio increased to 30.8 per cent (29.6)
  • Leverage declined to 59.9 per cent (61.3)


“We can further add that we leave a quarter behind us that shows a good result,” says Anders Jarl CEO of Wihlborgs Fastigheter. “The lease market is strong and already in January-March we have signed new lease agreements to the value of SEK 46 million. Net leasing for the year’s first three months ended up at plus SEK 9 million.”

“Our key figures such as equity/assets ratio, interest coverage ratio and leverage have been reinforced,” continued Anders Jarl. ”We are well equipped for taking part in the region’s expansion,” concluded Anders Jarl.

Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB


Presentation of the report

CEO Anders Jarl will present the quarterly report in English today (21 April) at 09.30.The presentation can be followed via webcast, or telephone
+44 (0)20 7162 0125. More information is available on www.wihlborgs.com  or www.financialhearings.com.


Contact information

Anders Jarl, CEO, +46 (0)40-690 57 10, +46 (0)733-71 17 10

Christer Johansson, CFO, +46 (0)40-690 57 06, +46 (0)733-71 17 06

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