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Election Committee prior to the 2013 AGM

The election committee in Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB is formed and based on ownership in Wihlborgs as of 30 September, 2012.

It was decided at the annual general meeting of 26 April 2012 that Wihlborgs’ election committee, whose tasks include submitting proposals for board members, shall comprise representatives from the three largest shareholders, who wish to participate, as well as one representative of the small shareholders. The names of the election committee’s members shall be made public no later than six months before the annual general meeting and shall be based on the known ownership immediately before being made public.

The following election committee has been formed based on ownership on30 September 2012, and comprises:

Gustaf Hermelin (Brinova Fastigheter AB)

Anders Rydin (SEB Funds)

Mats Qviberg (Qviberg family)

Krister Eurén (small shareholders)

In total, the Election Committee represents 16.5 per cent of the votes in Wihlborgs.

The AGM will be held in Malmö on Tuesday 23 April 2013.

Shareholders who wish to contact the election committee should do this by email to, valberedningen@wihlborgs.se or by post to Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB, Valberedningen, Box 97, SE-201 20 Malmö, Sweden.

Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB (publ)

Contact information

Election committee:

Gustaf Hermelin, +46 (0) 70-560 00 00

Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB:

Iréne Johansson, Communications Director, +46 (0)40 -690 57 21

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