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Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB (publ) AGM 2021

At Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB’s AGM on 27 April 2021, the meeting agreed to the Board’s proposal for a dividend for 2020 of SEK 5.25 per share. The record date for receiving the dividend was set at Thursday, 29 April 2020. Cash payment will be sent by Euroclear Sweden AB on Tuesday 4 May 2020.

The Board of Directors and the CEO were granted freedom of responsibility for the year 2020.

The AGM agreed that the Board be authorized until no later than the next Annual General Meeting to acquire and assign own shares. An acquisition shall not exceed the no. of shares which from time to time corresponds to ten per cent of all the company’s registered shares.

The AGM also agreed to authorize the Board of Directors prior to the next AGM, on one or several occasions, to make a decision on a new share issue up to a number that does not exceed ten per cent of the total number of shares when the issue is authorized. The Board shall have the right do decide on a deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights as well as regulation according to Chapter 13, Section 5, 1[st] paragraph 6 of the Swedish Companies Act (in kind, offset or other terms). The issue may take place at market price.

The AGM agreed to the re-election of the Board members Anders Jarl, Jan Litborn, Helen Olausson, Johan Qviberg and Tina Andersson and the election of Amela Hodzic and Lennart Mauritzson as new Board members. Anders Jarl was elected as Chairman of the Board. It was also agreed that fees to the board shall total SEK 1,770,000 distributed as SEK 440,000 to the Board Chairman and SEK 195,000 to each Board member not employed by the company. The AGM decided to re-elect as auditor Deloitte AB with Richard Peters as chief auditor. Audit fees are paid according to an approved account.

The meeting also agreed to the election of Göran Hellström (Backahill AB), Elisabet Jamal Bergström (SEB Investment Management AB), Eva Gottfridsdotter-Nilsson (Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning) and Krister Eurén (minor shareholders) as members of the Nomination Committee for the period until the 2022 AGM.

Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB (publ)

Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB (publ) is a property company that focuses on commercial properties in the Öresund region. Its property portfolio is located in Malmö, Helsingborg, Lund and Copenhagen. In Malmö, Lund and Helsingborg, Wihlborgs is the leading property company.

The book value of the company’s properties totals SEK 46.7 billion, representing an annual property rental value of SEK 3.3 billion.

Wihlborgs’ shares are listed on the Large Cap List of Nasdaq Stockholm.

Contact information

For further information, please contact:
Ulrika Hallengren, CEO, +46 (0)40 690 57 95
Arvid Liepe, CFO, +46 (0)40 690 57 31

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