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Fasaden Helsingborg C med gående i förgrunden.

Helsingborg Central Station

Every day, up to 40,000 people pass through here towards their final destinations, near and far. Regardless of whether you’re headed to Berga, Copenhagen or Gothenburg, your journey begins here. Or why not make Helsingborg Central Station the destination for your trip?
Picture of Jan-Erik Johansson

Jan-Erik Johansson

Property Director
+46 42-490 46 27 Contact me

Welcome to Helsingborg’s new meeting place – Helsingborg Central Station!

We’ve created an entirely new travel centre focused on security, modern design elements, good food and a welcoming atmosphere at the central station. The travel centre has been and will continue to be Helsingborg’s foremost meeting place, during the day as well as the evening. Comprehensive renovations have created a safe and comfortable environment for meeting others. The facade facing Kungstorget has been entirely redone in glass, with a large entrance that welcomes passengers and visitors alike. The departure hall has light, open spaces with elements in warm, modern materials. An environment you can enjoy while waiting for the train, bus or ferry.

Helsingborg Central Station is both a way station and a destination with something for everyone, regardless of whether you’re in transit or meeting someone. Grab a quick bite to eat or take the time to sit down and enjoy your meal at Kitchen Floor, a food destination with a wide offering from every corner of the world. 
All restaurants at Kitchen Floor with menues

Helsingborg C har genomgått en omvandling de senaste åren
Kungstorget utanför Helsingborg C har fått ett lyft
Helsingborg C har blivit en tryggare och trevligare mötesplats
Ankomsthallen Helsingborg C.
Ankomsthallen på Helsingborg C.
Vänthallen på Helsingborg C.

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