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Visionsbild av Smörkajens exteriör.


At Smörkajen, we plan to build an office building in Nyhamnen’s wonderfully diverse urban environment, close to Malmö Central Station, the seaside, and a park.
Picture of Joakim Persson

Joakim Persson

Asst. Director of Projects and Development
+46 40-690 57 22 Contact me

Fantastic Smörkajen

The next step in expanding Nyhamnen is to convert Smörkajen to a mixed-use neighbourhood. The quays will be renovated and made more accessible to the public. There are also plans for a new park and swimming facilities. The ambition is to create new, vibrant urban environments with green spaces and a healthy marine ecosystem. 

Office building in a prime location

Here at Smörkajen, we plan to build a fantastic office building in the best possible location. With Malmö Central Station just 400 metres away and the new road Hans Mikkelsensgatan just outside the door, it is easy to reach by public transport, bicycle or car. Around the corner you’ll find the new park that is connected to Smörkajen as well as the future sea baths.

Sustainable workplaces

We are offering 10,000 square meters of office space where your company and employees can grow and thrive. The office building will be designed with employee well-being in focus, providing services that support a sustainable work-life balance

Smörkajen’s fantastic location by the sea in Nyhamnen is unbeatable – both for living and working. Nyhamnen will be the place in Malmö where ideas are born and grow into exciting new businesses.

Joakim Persson, Bitr. projekt- och utvecklingschef på Wihlborgs
Joakim Persson, Bitr. projekt- och utvecklingschef på Wihlborgs
Ambitionen med Smörkajen är att skapa nya stadsmiljöer i Malmö.
På Smörkajen planerar Wihlborgs att bygga ett fantastiskt kontorshus på absolut bästa läge.
På Smörkajen kommer Wihlborgs erbjuda 10 000 kvm kontor.

Opportunity to work outdoors, lots of greenery both indoors and outdoors, an inviting staircase that invites to everyday exercise and a lot of natural materials are some examples of the initiatives that will be available in Smörkajen and which contribute to well-being and increased performance. And of course the office building is environmentally certified according to Miljöbyggnad Guld.

Project facts: Smörkajen

  • Property


  • Floor space

    10 000 m2

  • Environmental classification

    SGBC Gold

  • Construction start


  • Occupancy


  • Architect

    Henning Larsen

Nyhamnen will become southern Sweden's most central location

The property will be part of Nyhamnen, Malmö’s new district. A district with a focus on people and sustainability. The mix will create a dynamic environment that benefits both businesses and the city as a whole.

Read more about Nyhamnen here

Want to know more about Smörkajen?

Contact us, and we’ll assist you!

Picture of Andreas Ivarsson

Andreas Ivarsson

Director of Projects and Development
+46 40-690 57 23
Contact me
Picture of Joakim Persson

Joakim Persson

Asst. Director of Projects and Development
+46 40-690 57 22
Contact me

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