Total return
Return for shareholders is best measured in terms of total return. Total return is defined as share development including reinvested dividends. The return over a given period will therefore be the development of the share added with the dividends made during the period. The dividend is calculated as reinvested on the day the share is traded excluding the right to dividend (the x-day). Total return can be presented as a percentage or in a certain currency.
Adjusted dividend
Adjusted dividend is the dividend’s value adjusted for emissions and splits. Example: In 2006, SEK 10 per share is distributed to the owners. In 2010, a split is conducted which gives the owners two shares for each old share. The dividend of SEK 10 in 2006 is re-calculated taking into account that the owners today have twice as many shares as compared to the date of dividend. The adjusted dividend will in the example be SEK 5 per share.
Trade and instruments
For information about trade and various instruments, please refer to the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm website.