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Welcome to Wihlborgs' press room. All our press releases are published on this page. Press images and logos can be found in our media bank.

Picture of Christina Malmberg

Christina Malmberg

IR & PR Manager
+46 40-661 97 12 / Send email
  • Wihlborgs’ year-end report 2010

    • The profit for the year increased by SEK 435m to SEK 922m (487), per share SEK 24.11 (13.43)
    • The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 7.00 (6.75) and a share split 2:1
    • Rental income increased by 5 per cent to 1 294 Mkr (1 236)
    • Net operating income increased to SEK 921m (888)
    • The profit from property management increased by 12 per cent to SEK 604m (541).

  • Supplementation of Wihlborgs Election Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2011

    As previously announced, the Election Committee has been formed for the  AGM 2011 and consists of:

    Anders Silverbåge (Brinova Fastigheter AB)
    Sten K. Johnson (Tibia Konsult AB)
    Karolina Qvarnström (Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB)

  • Amendment to the release date of Wihlborgs’ year end report.

    In previous calendars have been notified that Wihlborgs’ year-end report will be published 7 February 2011. This date is changed to Tuesday, 8 February 2011 at CET 07.30 hours.

  • Wihlborgs acquires property in Lund

    Wihlborgs has acquired the commercial property Bytarebacken 39 from HSB Skåne. The acquisition will take place in company form. Wihlborgs will take possession of the property on 29 December 2010.

  • Wihlborgs acquires property in Malmö

    In a property transaction, Wihlborgs has acquired the logistics property Stridsyxan 4 in Fosie from Liber AB for consideration of SEK 36.4 million.

    The property is excellent situated between Inre och Yttre Ringvägen (ring roads surrounding the city) with close access to E6/E20/E22. The lot is 24,000 square metres and the property itself comprises about 6,500 square metres of warehouse and office space.

  • Wihlborgs sells in Malmö

    Wihlborgs has sold the property Söderarm 11, located in Blidögatan, Northern Harbour. The buyer is Skånska Industrifastigheter AB and the purchase price amounts to SEK 57 million. The property comprises 17,500 m2 industrial/ warehouses and the date of possession is January 1st 2011. The sale is a company transaction.

  • Wihlborgs acquires property in Malmö

    In a property transaction, Wihlborgs has acquired the logistics property “Bronsåldern 2” from Papyrus Sverige AB for consideration of SEK 84 million. The 33,000 square metre lot is strategically located along Yttre Ringvägen, the outer ring road surrounding the city. The property itself comprises about 12,300 square metres of office and warehouse space. The net yield is approximately 9 per cent.

  • Wihlborgs’ interim report January-September, 2010

    • The profit of the period increased by SEK 214m to SEK 574m (360), earnings per share SEK 15.03 (9.94)
    • Continued positive net rentals by SEK 20m, of which SEK 7m during the third quarter
    • Rental income increased by 3 per cent to SEK 957m (928)
    • Net operating income increased to SEK 689m (673)
    • Earnings from property management increased by 14 per cent to SEK 460m (404)
    • Earnings from property management before tax for the whole of 2010 is estimated to exceed SEK 600m (541).

  • Wihlborgs purchases Knutpunkten in Helsingborg

    Wihlborgs has agreed with Nordic Land the purchase of Terminalen 1 (Knutpunkten) in central Helsingborg for SEK 490 million. The acquisition will take place in company form. The property contains 18,500 mof offices, travel centre, shops and restaurants. Major tenants include Scandlines, Svenska Reseterminaler and McDonalds. 740 parking spaces are included in the property. Wihlborgs already owns 22,500 min the same block. Further to the acquisition, Wihlborgs will own four of a total of five properties within Terminalen: Terminalen 1, 2, 4 and 5.

  • Wihlborgs purchases in Helsingborg

    Wihlborgs has acquired the logistic property Bunkalund Östra 8 from DSV Solutions for SEK 18 million. The property comprises a total area of 12,000 sq.m. and the building contains of 6,300 sq.m. office and warehouse. The yield amounts to 8.5 per cent.  

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Press contact

Picture of Christina Malmberg

Christina Malmberg

IR & PR Manager
+46 40-661 97 12 / Send email