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Welcome to Wihlborgs' press room. All our press releases are published on this page. Press images and logos can be found in our media bank.

Picture of Christina Malmberg

Christina Malmberg

IR & PR Manager
+46 40-661 97 12 / Send email
  • Wihlborgs lets 30,000 sq.m. in Lund to Psychiatry Skåne

    Wihlborgs and Region Skåne have concluded a framework and rental agreement for Psychiatry Skåne, which is moving into the Landsdomaren district on Baravägen (the former Regionhuset) in Lund. The case has been dealt with by the Regional Assembly today and a decision has been made to create a modern psychiatric facility here, close to the hospital area with room for both outpatient and inpatient care.

  • Wihlborgs redeems leasehold rights in central Malmö

    Wihlborgs has redeemed the leasehold rights to Börshuset 1 and Flundran 1 through an exchange transaction with Malmö Municipality.

  • Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB:s (publ) AGM 2011

    At Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB’s AGM on 28 April, the meeting agreed to the board’s proposal for a dividend for 2010 of SEK 7.00 per share. The record date for receiving the dividend was set at Tuesday, 3 May 2011. Cash payment will be sent by Euroclear Sweden AB on Friday, 6 May 2011.

  • Wihlborgs’ Interim Report Jan – March 2011

    • Profit for the period  increased by SEK 94 million to SEK 214 million (120), and earnings per share rose to SEK 5.57 (3.18)
    • Rental income rose 14 per cent to SEK 364 million (318)
    • Operating surplus increased 17 per cent to SEK 254 million (217)
    • Earnings from property management income rose 13 per cent to SEK 162 million (144)

  • Wihlborgs’ Annual Report 2010

    Wihlborgs Annual Report for 2010 in Swedish and English can now be downloaded in a browsable version from our website, wihlborgs.se.

  • Wihlborgs sells in Arlöv and Åkarp

    Wihlborgs has sold the office property Åkarp 1:83 and the industry properties Tågarp 16:25 and 16:26 in Arlöv. The date of possession for all properties is March 31 2011.

  • The Election Committee’s proposals regarding members to the Board of Directors

    The election committee in Wihlborgs, as appointed in accordance with the 2010 AGM’s decision, is formed by representatives from the three largest shareholders as per 30 September 2010 as well as one representative from the small shareholders.
    The election committee comprises Karolina Qvarnström (Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning), Krister Eurén (small shareholders), Sten K Johnson (Tibia Konsult AB) and Anders Silverbåge (Brinova Fastigheter AB). Anders Silverbåge has been the chairman of the election committee. The three largest shareholders represented together at the turn of the year approximately 19 per cent of the shares.

  • Wihlborgs’ year-end report 2010

    • The profit for the year increased by SEK 435m to SEK 922m (487), per share SEK 24.11 (13.43)
    • The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 7.00 (6.75) and a share split 2:1
    • Rental income increased by 5 per cent to 1 294 Mkr (1 236)
    • Net operating income increased to SEK 921m (888)
    • The profit from property management increased by 12 per cent to SEK 604m (541).

  • Supplementation of Wihlborgs Election Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2011

    As previously announced, the Election Committee has been formed for the  AGM 2011 and consists of:

    Anders Silverbåge (Brinova Fastigheter AB)
    Sten K. Johnson (Tibia Konsult AB)
    Karolina Qvarnström (Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB)

  • Amendment to the release date of Wihlborgs’ year end report.

    In previous calendars have been notified that Wihlborgs’ year-end report will be published 7 February 2011. This date is changed to Tuesday, 8 February 2011 at CET 07.30 hours.

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Press contact

Picture of Christina Malmberg

Christina Malmberg

IR & PR Manager
+46 40-661 97 12 / Send email